LOG BEGIN -- Random World gemsix: now on benebot for extra fun gemsix: also faster login LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p: finally gemseven: this is fun anatoly: i know anatoly: this prevents you some time anatoly: from editing * WORLD: POLAK23P completed this world! anatoly: gemseven gemseven: actually I'll add a code button anatoly: lol gemseven: brb LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. gemone: back you're lucky VS takes so slow to load goldy301: because ebe will control me and i will have buttom delay peace: seb this way i could do !autochnage #ff0000 #ffaa00 #ffff00 #00ff00 ect ect peace: btw anatoly anatoly: seb: see beandanika on her gem accounts is making too much trouble gemone: hi seb LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly: seb: do you have ban list? gemtwo: i make trouble so you kicked me peace: ANATOLY: you dont knwo what i mean with my grapic suggestion? LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. gemthree: how am i supposed to read chat if you keep kicking me :/ gemthree: aka my bros peace: ANATOLY: spec LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. goldy301: SEB: wanna try a mini i made :3 gemfour: I'll stop using alts if you stop kicking me anatoly: i got corner pipes already goldy301: ono you afk LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: gemfive: hi peace: ofc in all direcrtions goldy301: plz magic gemfive: gems are awesome LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: GEMSIX: hello peace: when someone doesnt get it after 54 kicks and get skicked fror 5th time gemsix: lol seb, i don't see which one of you is kicking me xD anatoly: seb pls anatoly: see anatoly: he joins with thousands of alts if i toldhim its enough peace: !snek * you > PEACE: Unknown command. Do !help for a list of commands. seb: [snek] snek has toggled to true gemsix: Then stop kicking me gemsix: to solve the problem peace: !snek peace seb: [snek] snek now for peace gemsix: oh forgot to disable the cmd handler goldy301: !snek GEMSIX * you > GOLDY301: Unknown command. Do !help for a list of commands. goldy301: rippy peace: GEMSIX: he told you to come with your mailn lol anatoly has joined the game. anatoly: [Bot] Connected! LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemseven, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: ANATOLY: make your bot ban everyone with GEM in their username goldy301: !snek GOLDY301 gemseven: k anatoly: polak23p sorry no need polak23p: 2 hours later polak23p: gemthreethousand: hello gemseven: polak23p: hello peace: GEMSEVEN: why creating alts for this? gemseven: I already have these alts :/ gemseven: its for gemz farming totally legit polak23p: GEMSEVEN: nobody is even mad cus of ur alts LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: gemeight: hi peace: !kick gemeight anatoly has joined the game. anatoly: [Bot] Connected! peace: !kick gemeight LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemnine, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. gemnine: just leave EBE if you want to :/ peace: !kick GEMNINE LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemtem, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: GEMTEN: exit ebe peace: !kick GEMTEM LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemeleven, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: GEMELEVEN: exit ee polak23p: ebe peace: wait was them teM instead of N? LOL gemeleven: yes peace: !kick gemeleven LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemtwelve, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. gemtwelve: peace wants a global ban anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. peace: why just come wiht your main and dont be so irirtation peace: annoying* gemtwelve: meanwhile, seb is watching this happen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemthirteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. gemthirteen: meanwhile, seb is watching peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: GEMTHIRTEEN: nobody cares about your shit bot gemthirteen: with popcorn peace: !kick GEMTHIRTEEN pls stop LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemfourteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. gemfourteen: YOU stop. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: GEMFOURTEEN: nobody cares about ur bots u idiot peace: !kick gemfourteen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemfifteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. gemfifteen: you stop before I global ban you. peace: !kick gemfifteen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemsixteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. gemsixteen: peace I'm talking to you. polak23p: gemsixteen: kys peace: !kick gemsixteen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemseventeen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: gemseventeen peace: !kick gemseventeen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemeighteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. peace: !kick gemeighteen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemnineteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. peace: !kick gemnineteen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemtwenty, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. gemtwenty: btw is it spammy that you keep kicking me and my join message seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. peace: !kick gemtwenty LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemfarming, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. peace: then dotn join peace: !kick gemfarming LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemone, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. gemone: starting from the top again peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. peace: !kick GEMONE LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemtwo, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. gemtwo: when will you give up :/ peace: !kick GEMTWO pls stop it! LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemthree, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. gemthree: YOU stop it. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: GEMTHREE: when will YOU give up peace: !kick gemthree LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemfour, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. peace: !kick GEMFOUR LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemfive, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. gemfive: It's not that hard for me peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: GEMKYS: give up peace: !kick GEMFIVE LOG END LOG END LOG END LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemsix, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. gemsix: peace and polak23p you have been globally banned from BeneBot permanently anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly: i was logging trough my bot her ip adresses peace: !kick GEMSIX LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemseven, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. gemseven: you cant log IPs lol polak23p: nobody gives a shit about your bot GEMSEVEN peace: why woudl u ban me peace: you are annoying peace: !kick gemseven LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemeight, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. gemeight: Because you keep kicking me anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick gemeight peace: !kikc gemeight gemeight: Because you are annoying. polak23p: ANATOLY: addd me to admins peace: GEMEIGHT: just join with your main account bene! gemeight: I will NEVER remove your global ban. polak23p: idc gemeight: anatoly, you do know playerio doesn't send player's IP right? peace: it does gemeight: only serverside knows the player's IP gemeight: peace look at the "init" message peace: serverside is playerIO lmao gemeight: there is no such thing as IP address LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemtem, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: ANATOLY: gimme admin goldy301: tem anatoly: yeah i gave you gemtem: maximum cat achieved anatoly: wait polak23p: tem = cringey character from cringetale gemtem: polak23p: global banned user that can't join any worlds with benebot in it polak23p: GEMTEM: idfc polak23p: do u think i care about a small game like that gemtem: you will when you realize how many people use benebot =) polak23p: do u realise i dont care about this game =) gemtem: then leave polak23p: then you leave LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemeleven, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. gemeleven: also, EE has benebot too peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly: seb i need your permission to say something rude in kick message polak23p: idc LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemtwelve, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: EE is shittEE goldy301: ANATOLY: do u know who i am in ee :v gemtwelve: then what will you play? :) polak23p: EE is shi tEE polak23p: I will play pornhub gemtwelve: go ahead peace: seb anatoly has left the game. goldy301: ? anatoly has joined the game. anatoly: [Bot] Connected! peace: look my rainbow * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemtwelve, to Anatoly's Bot World! goldy301: -_- goldy301: bot gemtwelve: /pm anatoly hi lol * you > ANATOLY: hi lol * you > ANATOLY: hi lol * WORLD: GOLDY301 completed this world! peace: !kick GEMTWELVE i don tcare bout your bot any,more LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemthirteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: thanks polak23p: !kick gemthirteen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemfourteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. gemfourteen: Peace, you should care about being global banned anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemfifteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick gemfifteen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemsixteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick gem polak23p: !kick gemsixteen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemseventeen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick gemseventeen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemeighteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemnineteen, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick gem peace: h needs more alts lol polak23p: !kick gemnineteen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemtwenty, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. gemtwenty: the more you kick me, the spammier it gets anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemfarming, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemone, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. gemone: I'm starting to think you have no brains peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick GEMONE polak23p: !kick egmone polak23p: !kick gemone LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemtwo, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. gemtwo: and maybe I'm right anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemthree, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. gemthree: its funny to see you cry anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick gem polak23p: !kick gemthree LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemfour, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. gemfour: repeatedly kicking my meow of alts polak23p: !kick GEMFOUR LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemfive, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick GEMFIVE LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemsix, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick GEMSIX LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemseven, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. gemseven: lemme type the account details goddamnit anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. LOG END LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemnine, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick GEMNINE LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, gemeight, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick gemeight LOG END LOG END LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World * ANATOLY > you: Welcome, beandanika, to Anatoly's Bot World! polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick gem polak23p: !kick beandanika LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. benedanika: I will DDoS you if you don't stop that. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick benedanika polak23p: lmao polak23p: get my ip kiddo peace: okay now stop it benedanika: I already have it. =) polak23p: say it polak23p: in the chat peace: BENEDANIKA: u said that is imposs polak23p: say it anatoly: don't kick her anymore pls polak23p: everyone will ddos me benedanika: I don't have to. =) polak23p: and you will win anatoly: id like to listen what she has to say polak23p: tell peace: BENEDANIKA: u said getting ip is imposs cuz its seversided lmao benedanika: lmao... is that all you can say? polak23p: yes benedanika: anatoly, just leave EBE already benedanika: nobody wants you peace: BENEDANIKA: can you stop? anatoly: why shall i benedanika: Then you stop kicking me. The more you kick me the more I'll connect and say the same message over and over again peace: why you need to be so annoying BENEDANIKA ?! benedanika: in an infinite cat loop anatoly: thats nothing anatoly: polak23p polak23p: ? anatoly: youre allowed to kick her peace: SYSTEM: You have reported BENEDANIKA successfully. anatoly: so she will loop... polak23p: hmm nahh i cant do that polak23p: !kick benedanika polak23p: fail anatoly: !kick beandanika benedanika: Lol, reported me for no reason polak23p: !kick benedanika LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. polak23p: !kick b [TAB] enter anatoly: hmmm anatoly: my bot isnt on you cant kick her polak23p: !kick gem [TAB] enter gemtem: I'm. Not. A. Girl. peace: !kick GEMTEM polak23p: !kick GEMTEM u're funny polak23p: !kick GEMTEM polak23p: !kick gemtem gemtem: And if you don't stop calling me a girl, YOU're the one who's gonna get reported. polak23p: GEMTEM you're stupid peace: GEMTEM: why you are the one who is annoying polak23p: report for jokes peace: with you alts anatoly has joined the game. anatoly: [Bot] Connected! * ANATOLY > you: You are no longer afk! peace: !kick GEMTEM LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. gemeleven: Assuming gender is bad and not allowed anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. peace: !kick gemtwelve LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. peace: !kick gemthirteen LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World polak23p has joined the game. goldy301 has joined the game. seb has joined the game. peace has joined the game. anatoly has joined the game. peace: !kick gemfourteen anatoly has joined the game. anatoly: [Bot] Connected! LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World LOG END LOG BEGIN -- Random World LOG END LOG END